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Wake Up Baby Boomers Theres Still Time By Dave Kendrick

Over 90% of all retired Americans will be forced to live on less than $12,000 a year!

Yes, I have to admit it. I am an aging Baby Boomer! Our first grandchild was born last year. Does it make me feel older? Not necessarily. Its all a matter of outlook and attitude to life.

O.K. Physically Im starting to get some of the aches and pains that come with the aging process. But mentally Im still in my mid-twenties. (Sometimes a heck of a lot younger, so my Wife often tells me!)

The 1960s covered my mid-teens and mid-twenties. What a great era that was in England (where I was born and raised we have been living in Canada since 1981.) Would you believe I saw the Rolling Stones in concert before they hit the big time! They had just released their first record.

Ah yes. Life was simpler then. Life was sweet. No home computers, no cell phones, no Internet. But now, of course we have all of these things and take them for granted. Especially computers and the Internet.

Never before in history has it been possible for so many people to have their own home business using these powerful tools.

This truly is the age of mass communication and information sharing.

The question is, have us Baby Boomers been left behind in this huge technological wake? Have we missed the boat?

I believe the answer to this is an emphatic NO!

Like I said, growing up in the sixties was great. Retirement was a lifetime away. But, my friend, lifetime has a nasty habit of passing by all too quickly. Believe me, I know!

So we live our lives, enjoying each day that comes (or at least trying to), still thinking that retirement is a long way off. After all, theres the mortgage to pay; a new car would be nice; we could really do with a vacation this year; the kitchen could do with a makeover. And then it hits you like a ton of bricks. The milestone of your 60th birthday is creeping up REALLY fast TOO fast.

Studies show that over 90% of North Americans will be living at or below the poverty line by the time they reach retirement age.

Are you faced with the prospect of becoming one of these statistics?

So, youre probably wondering what Im trying to get at here.

Remember what I said about having powerful tools like computers and the Internet at our disposal? And yes, its true, never before has it been more possible to start your own home business. Make a resolution today to look into starting your own home business. If you have already started, then congratulations! But you too should resolve to stick at it and follow it through to success.

If you dont know much about computers learn. If you dont know the first thing about marketing learn. Building a successful home business all begins with education. Learn the skills you need to gradually build your business. The Internet is FULL of information that will help you. And most of it is free!

Yes, its hard work to get things going and you will get frustrated at times. But its also a lot of fun. Compare this to the job you are doing now. If you are like me, then Im willing to bet there is no comparison!

I just realized as I was writing this article that I aimed it at Baby Boomers as I am one myself. However, the same holds true for any age group. Its never too late or too early to change direction in life. You just have to make the decision to improve your lot and then commit to it.

So the choice is yours. And it should be clear. Do you know which path you will follow? Do you know what my next move is?


Dave Kendrick - All Rights reserved

Dave Kendrick publishes a monthly newsletter "The Cruise Marketing Digest His newsletter, like his articles aim to give advice and encouragement to people new (and not so new) to Internet Marketing.

Check out his website at http://www.cruise2success.com and sign up for his newsletter. Better yet, subscribe to "The Cruise" first and THEN check out his site!

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